Wednesday, July 11, 2007

One of the first things Josh said this morning when he woke up was "I'm not gonna be sassy today!" so hopefully he learned his lesson yesterday when we left the pool after he defied me.

Right now -8:30am - we're eating breakfast, eggs, bacon and (leftover) pancakes. Since the kids got up early I decided to have a decent breakfast before we head to the pool. I've already got sammiches ready for lunch and I want to stay a while today since they're expecting thunderstorms this afternoon. I figure we might as well stay outside while we can since after nap we'll probably be house-bound.

Last night I gave Josh an old computer keyboard to play with and he's just fascinated with it. We told him that if he didn't poop in his diaper last night we'd give him a mouse too. That might not have been the smartest thing to do considering that he was still awake at 10pm going back and forth to the potty - I think cause he was scared he wouldn't earn the mouse. So this morning he has his mouse but now he hasn't pooped in a day and a half where he's usually pretty predictable with that stuff. I'm hoping he saves it for sometime other than when we're in the pool !! Or at least gives me enough notice to get him into a bathroom first. I'm planning to take our camera to the pool one of these days so I can get some pictures of the splash park - it really is cool.

We'll be out of here soon so we can go pick some raspberries before lessons start and then take our time getting in to the pool. It's kind of hazy / cloudy already I hope that the rain holds off til later so we can burn up some energy first.

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