Thursday, February 18, 2010

tired and hungry

At first stimulated looking all around to take everything in, focused on details, going to therapies of all sorts, rest then more therapy all while attended by a one - on - one aide. At the end of the day - tired, spent, achy and hungry... and that's just me ... after my day of following Andie around for her first therapy day.
When I first got to Good Shepherd this morning Andie was sitting up in a wheelchair and surrounded by therapists and aides starting in on their evaluations. We got to know each of them as the day went on. She had PT and sat up well - I'm told that 's really good so they can build on that for later skills. During Speech therapy her answers tended to be nods until the therapist did some writing then Andie seemed more responsive and gave correct answers - their first goal will be to help her to communicate. There was also OT testing and it seemed like she learned how to move shapes into the appropriate spaces since as the test went on she got better at it. The same test will be done again in next few days to verify what they saw today.
When there's down time she spends alot of time watching what's going on around the place - it's all new to her and she seems very curious. I keep thinking about how I'd feel if I'd been lying in a bed for almost three weeks with next to no stimulation.
She goes from looking at small details like her fingernails to the IV stuff in her arms all the while giving some pretty expressive faces. I can see puzzled, mad, sad, angry and then if she grabs for something she's not supposed to pull on and I stop her she shakes her head and motions with her left hand as if to say back off! or what? then she rolls her eyes.
The team of people working with her are doing evaluations now and will meet on Tuesday to confer and then give us their findings and projections for the immediate future.
I've been reminded again and again that miracles happen every day and that each case like this is unique. Today I met with a social worker who was great with getting me set with paperwork to do and with providing information about the realities of what the future may hold for Andie. While we were talking she pointed out that you can't go wrong in a building with the 23rd Psalm written around the outside of it. I have to admit that as we were talking I read part of it just outside her window.
Keep Moving Forward.

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