Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A stink bug??!!

I was enjoying a nice bowl of ice cream with tons of whipped cream last night when there was an unusual crunch followed by a weird / gross taste... what the... ??? legs??? stink bug??? Ach!!! Ick!!! ptttt pttttt ptttt .... that's me spitting, wiping my tongue off and freaking out. In the mean time handing the bowl to Chris who was totally puzzled by what I was doing... he threw the remaining ice cream in the trash I have no idea how or when the bug landed on the food. Note to self: Pay attention to each bite you take even while watching TV!!
Plus, there was another one sitting in the kitchen sink as I was being totally grossed out. I guess the warmer days are bringing them out of hibernation. When I see them from now on, they are soooo outta here!
Have you ever wondered why birds don't just eat the stink bugs when they're all over the place? Now I can tell you, they taste bad! I wanted to go make myself throw up I was so grossed out. Didn't do that, that's gross too! It may be a while til I eat ice cream again!