Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm always amazed by the generosity of friends and strangers

While the boys were at a Reading Royals game last evening one of the ushers ( I guess usherette since it was a lady) gave them a bag of nice clothes with logos -Royals, Flyers - apparently she was impressed with Josh and since her son had outgrown the stuff she wanted to give it to him and Dima. Very nice - I had Dima and Josh drew a picture make up a Thank You card this morning to give to her the next time they see her.

We've been very fortunate to have friends with bigger kids that have given us lots and lots of stuff including NICE logo stuff. Pretty much everything they wear is a hand me down from someone. We're also lucky that the kids' grandparents are nice enough to chip in for new outfits once in a while so there's some new stuff in the closet too.

Yesterday afternoon the skies seemed clear after a gloomy morning so I decided to try to find a cache or two in places that aren't very kid-friendly - as in lots of uphill hiking and lots of walking off the established trail. Soooo, I got my act together as they were getting ready to head out to the hockey game and found one cache relatively easily. I proceeded to another cache that's rated a 3 for terrain (pretty difficult) while I was searching - I really do need to figure out how to get better reception on the GPS while out in the woods - I thought I heard thunder in the distance - didn't think it was a big deal because the weather geeks who live in my house hadn't mentioned anything big coming our way. Plus my cell phone usually gets notifications sent to it when the weather service posts a warning - I've had that set up since the summer when we spent most of our days at the pool - no warning so I'm ASSUMing everything is okay and still out there searching for the cache. After more distant thunder for a second I thought it was still really far away. Then as a purple sky rolls over me and I'm literally running to the car holding my baseball hat on I'm thinking "this is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever done" but the kids weren't with me and I was still really focused on the cache hunt until it was obvious that the storm was right there. Still no rain or lightning by the time I got in the car but as I drove home there were literally lightning bolts coming down very close to my car. By the time I got here there was definitely rain but not as bad as some places north of here where they had huge hail. Once I got home the phone and shut our open windows notification buzzed in on my cell phone - Thanks a whole lot National Weather Service!!!

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