Thursday, April 1, 2010


Andie's now off the waiting list for out-patient speech therapy so she had three hours of therapies at Good Shepherd rehab on Tuesday and that should continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now on. She takes the handicapped equipped bus to get there since she doesn't want to intrude too much on my parent's lives. The problem with the bus is that you have to go when and where you're told. I think we really lucked out last week when I went with her since we were the only people on the am bus and then we were also the first stop on the bus coming home. They sometimes have other patients that need to get places and then you have to be prepared to sit on the bus and wait til you get to your destination. They told us from the first day there that she should be prepared with a protein bar so she's prepared. It's just the way those things work.
This coming Monday she's got an appointment for a follow up with the surgeon whose skills saved her life back in January. She doesn't remember him and doesn't remember much about being in the hospital at all.
She does remember being visited by our relatives in he first week or so that she was in rehab which is interesting since she doesn't remember her own behavior around that time. She doesn't remember being adamant about not wanting to go the "therapy gym" once she figured out we were going there, or not wanting to do anything but sit in her room, or about trying to get out of bed the one morning while she was supposed to be only in the wheelchair to move around and getting really mad at the aide who was with her at the time for trying to keep her from getting up.
She's also got an appointment next Monday with the family doctor to review her overall health and her bloodwork. She's on nine different meds and supplements right now (taken at different times through the day) and I'm wondering if some of those can be reduced now that she's obviously getting better.

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